Truckin' Dogs * USA & Canada - The Story of Toughie
The man said, "Yes, my dog is my best friend"...
The TravelCenters of America-East,Ontario,CAN -inlandsocal (CAL,USA) -30 Sept 2009:... Now had he been a 150 lb. dog you can imagine it but it was just amazing to view this precious animal guarding the trailer like a soldier, walking back and forth with his tiny head turning to make sure he is looking in every direction for "bad people"... This little guy just ran from corner to corner, end to end, diligently guarding his owners property. No one was going near this guy's truck...Then for the next trick the owner put Toughie in the cab of the truck, opened the driver's door, and walked away. Again Toughie was on guard. The owner literally left the area and that dog just stayed on duty... with the door completely open in the cab, guarding just like he had on the flatbed all by himself. He was guarding that truck with his life... When the owner returned and brought the dog out this little fighter became the most gentle loving and cuddly dog you can imagine. The guy said the dog just naturally became his watchdog and didn't need training. He just somehow knew his job is to protect that truck for the owner...(Photo: Toughie watching the cab)
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