Brussels,Belgium -HGV (UK) -October 12, 2009:-- The European Commission is bringing Greece to the European Court of Justice for its failure to comply with European rules on freedom of establishment for operators in the road transport and fuel marketing sectors... The Commissionconsiders thatGreece has failed to respect its obligation under the Treatyby restricting the registration of public use vehicles and private tankers, and by introducing minimum tariffs for transportation services... The Commission has found that the freedom of establishment for road transport and fuel marketing activities in Greece is hampered and newcomers are discriminated against without considering the individual situation and financial capacity of the applicant undertakings.This stems from restrictive Greek rules on the registration of vehicles used to provide transport services to third parties (so called “public use vehicles”) and rules on the registration of tankers by fuel trading companies... (Photo from, by Peter Jacques/2009 - A Scania truck in Greece)
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