ELECTRIC TRUCKS * USA - AT&T Accepts Keys to Next Generation All-Electric Cargo Truck
Purchase FollowsAT&T 10-Year Commitment to Spend up to $565 Million on Alternative-Fuel Vehicles
Washington,DC,USA -PRNewswire-FirstCall -July 28, 2009: -- AT&Ttoday accepted the keys to its new all-electric cargo truck. AT&T, along with three other companies, received one of six trucks delivered by Smith ElectriconCapitol Hill today - the first in a series of next-generation, all-electric commercial vehicles entering service across the United States.The vehicle, known as the Smith Newton, is the world's largest electric battery-powered truck and the first commercial all-electric truck to achieve new vehicle emissions certification in California. Acceptance of the vehicle comes on the heels of AT&T's announcement in March of a 10-year, $565 million commitment to deploy more than 15,000 alternative fuel vehicles in its fleet.. (Photo from greenmachines: Smith electric vehicles/Smith Newton)
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