Bigger Trucks * USA - Blue Green Alliance Leads Array of Labor, Environmental Organizations in Opposition to
Labor Unions, National Environmental Groups Endorse Bills
Washington,DC,USA -The Blue Green Alliance (press release) -June 19, 2009: -- The Blue Green Alliance, along with an array of labor unions and environmental organizations, said today that they oppose allowing heavier and longer trucks, including huge triple-trailer trucks, on the nation's highways.The coalition said they will work to pass a bill that would extend the "freeze" on truck size and weight to the entire National Highway System (NHS)... Joiningthe Blue Green Alliance in opposition to bigger trucks and in support of the Safe Highways and Infrastructure Preservation Act arethe Sierra Club,International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Natural Resources Defense Council, Laborers' International Union of North America, Environment America, Communications Workers of Americaand the Service Employees International Union... These national labor and environmental organizations are working to debunk the arguments of major corporate interests claiming bigger trucks would mean fewer trucks on the road and reduced fuel use... In addition to wrecking roads and bridges, allowing heavier and longer trucks would mean more fuel consumption and a move away from energy efficiency at a time when reducing fuel use and global warming emissions is a national imperative...
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