User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: A Heavy Load * USA - Long-distance truckers don't get paid if they aren't driving

May 26, 2009

A Heavy Load * USA - Long-distance truckers don't get paid if they aren't driving

... and they aren't driving as much these days

Winston Sakem-NC,USA -The Winston Salem Journal -May 24, 2009: -- Don't be fooled by Odell Haggerty's serene gaze and placid hazel eyes. The past month has been awful for the long-distance truck driver from Texas... Haggerty, 43, is paid 36 cents a mile, but when he isn't driving his company's big rig -- when he's laid over awaiting a new load -- he doesn't get a dime... And lately, with the recession hammering freight-haulers, he has seen far too much of random truck stops and not enough of the open road... (Los Angeles Times Photo: Odell Haggerty, 43, a long-haul driver from Texas, said he and other truckers have to have patience while awaiting work)



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