U.S. senators have filed a pair of bills to stop private-sector toll operators from double dipping into the pockets of taxpayers
Washingtron,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine -April 27, 2009: -- Bills benefit highway users by eliminating subsidies for private toll roads... Senators: Bingaman, and Grassley, both members of the Senate Finance Committee, introduced bills to eliminate subsidies for privatized highways... The bill, S884, would stop states from receiving federal tax funding and private-sector money for the same toll road... The other bill, S885, would put a limit on the toll operator’s current ability to write off the cost of the asset over the long term. This would make it more difficult in the future for private investors to profit from subsidies, as happened with the privatization of the Chicago Skyway in Illinois. Private toll operator Cintra-Macquarie, a Spanish-Australian bank partnership, was allowed a 99-year tax write-off as part of the Skyway lease... The Bingaman-Grassley legislation urges Congress to tighten up the tax write-off criteria... (Photo: Chicago Skyway)Labels: toll roads debate
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