Auburn,NY,USA -The Citizen/Auburn Pub, by Carole Estabrook -April 27, 2009: -- Finger Lakes region residents will have one last opportunity to officially voice their opinion as part of an ongoing effort to establish regulations that would limit long-distance truckers from using seven specific rural, upstate routes, including 41A between Homer and Skaneateles, as shortcuts... And why shouldn't people come out in support of these regulations?... Research from Cornell University has shown that long-haul truck traffic on rural roads doesn't save the trucking companies any money. In fact, studies show that rural routes slow drive time and can sometimes add as much as an hour to a trucker's journey. Even avoiding tolls doesn't compensate for an extra hour of travel, especially considering fluctuations in fuel costs... The study also addresses the literal impact that truck traffic has on state roads that were not designed to handle the weight, speed and size of these vehicles. Big rigs also pose a threat to motorists and pedestrians, as large trucks can't maneuver adequately on narrow state streets, whereas the interstate was designed to handle heavy trucks and heavy truck volume... And then there's the noise and unpleasant odors, which are mild offenses in comparison... (Photo from TRUCKER RALLEY)
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