BIOFUEL * USA - California may rule corn ethanol is not a globlal warming solution
USA -The Climate Progress -21 April 2009: -- Californiaregulators, trying to assess the true environmental cost of corn ethanol, are poised to declare that the biofuel cannot help the state reduce global warming... As they see it, corn is no better – and might be worse – than petroleum when total greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions are considered. Such a declaration, to be considered later this week by the California Air Resources Board, would be a considerable blow to the corn-ethanol industry in the United States...So reports The Daily Climate today. Let’s hope that California takes a leadership role here. The country is simply awash in too much corn ethanol. Current federal mandates would nearly double current production and consume about one third of the annual U.S. corn harvest... Yet in fact corn ethanol almost certainly has no significant GHG benefit, may actually have higher net GHGs than oil, and has multiple other harmful impacts: - The fact is that from a climate perspective, it almost certainly makes more sense to use most cellulosic biomass for electricity, not fuels. Indeed, a plug in hybrid or electric car can probably go about twice as far per acre of land running on electricity from biomass power than an internal combustion engine car can go on cellulosic biofuels (assuming we ever actually solve technological problems needed to make such biofuels affordable and practical)...Let’s hope California can stare down the pressure and help stop the madness...
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