A new program at the Port of Charleston should mean cleaner air and save trucking companies at the pump
Charleston,S.C.,USA -AP/Live 5 News -February 25, 2009: -- The South Carolina State Ports Authority on Wednesday announced the program through which truckers serving the port can recover some of the costs of installing smaller generators that reduce idling... The program, funded in part by an Environmental Protection Agency grant, also allows truckers to recover some costs of using fuel-saving single-wide. They are also eligible to have trucks fitted with aerodynamic kits which can result in an estimated 5% fuel savings... Truckers may apply until the end of next month. Selected owners will be notified in May with the upgrades to be completed by the end of November... (Photo: Charleston Region by Air - This is Denton Shipyard, which utilizes former Navy Base space) Labels: Clean Trucks Program
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