Freeze watch in effect Friday night
DeLand,FL,USA -The DeLand-Deltona Beacon, by PAT HATFIELD -Jan 15, 2009: -- Some of Florida's restrictions on trucking agricultural products have been eased for a two-week period, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson announced Jan. 15... The emergency measure came in response to the potential for freezing conditions in parts of the state. It will allow growers to quickly harvest and transport crops vulnerable to freezing weather... Bronson's alert follows Florida Gov. Charlie Crist's declaration of a state of emergency and issuance of an executive order Jan. 14, ordering the State Department of Transportation to relax the weight, height, length and width restrictions for commercial vehicles transporting vulnerable crops to processing sites... (The BEACON file PHOTO - Protective measures: While Volusia's citrus crops do not appear to be in danger from cold weather forecast for the next 10 days, fern growers are taking measures to protect their crops. State restrictions on agricultural trucking have been eased for the next two weeks, to help growers get produce to processing sites before crops suffer freeze damage)Labels: trucking restrictions
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