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Nov 13, 2008

INFRASTRUCTURES * Australia - Monster trucks to use tunnels

Melbourne,Australia -The Melbourne Herald Sun, by Ashley Gardiner -November 13, 2008: -- A map released by the State Government has detailed plans to run monster trucks through Melbourne's road tunnels... The road freight network would form a key plank of the major transport blueprint, to be released within weeks... At the Victorian Transport Infrastructure Summit yesterday, Roads Minister Tim Pallas released a map that highlighted the roads that would be used... Mr Pallas said the roads would be used by trucks capable of carrying two 12m containers, known as super B-doubles... (Photo: Craig Sillitoe/The Age - Safety first: Swedish traffic behaviour expert Ruggero Ceci takes on Melbourne's tunnels)

* Colombia - On the verge of a monumental traffic jam

Bogota,Colombia -SEMANA -12 Nov 2008: -- A recent study conducted by recognized experts shows that with the current road infrastructure, traffic in Colombia could collapse in less than ten years. Moto-taxis could do away with public transportation in several cities, in Bogotá it could take just as long to get somewhere on foot as it will by car, and the lack of good highways leading to the port cities will be the greatest bottleneck for the country´s development... If Colombians today feel stuck in traffic in Bogotá, Medellín and Barranquilla, they won’t be able to imagine the chaos that awaits them in the next ten years. For businesspeople trying to get their cargo to Colombian ports it will be an even greater disaster. With the increase in the number of cars, motorcycles and trucks, and the lack of roads, the country is moving towards complete immobility... The most paradoxical of all is that economic growth, which is what has generated the accelerated increase of the number of vehicles in the country, will come to a standstill just when the big cities collapse because of poor mobility... About 46% of the road network in Bogotá is in a bad state, 18% are in a poor state and only 36% are in good condition. That is, more than half of the roads are a disaster. “To improve these roads Bogotá will have to invest 2.5 trillion pesos (over a billion USD) each year and then, to assure their maintenance, will need to invest 1.9 trillion ($800,000,000) each year on a permanent basis. Facing the magnitude of the resources needed just to adequately maintain the road network, the system of roads will deteriorate more and more each year. The situation in Bogotá isn’t much different from other Colombian cities,” the report concludes...



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