TRUCKS' BAN * Czech Republic - Greens threaten to leave government unless truck restrictions broadened
Prague,Czech Republic -Radio Prague, by Jan Velinger-16 July 2008: --In a week’s time, the government was to have begun discussing the tightening of restrictions on long-haul trucks in the Czech Republic. But the talks have now been postponed...The Greenswant to see broadening restrictions on heavy vehicles onCzech highwaysand major roads pushed to two days a week, year-round, according to an agreement negotiated byMr Bursíkandthe Transport Minister Aleš Řebíčekthis year...Currently, trucks are only banned on Fridays between 5 and 10 pm and then only in July and August.The new restrictions would shift the hours somewhat on Fridays and also introduce bans on Sundays...Above all, the bans would be year-round, reducing traffic onCzech highwaysand major roads at peak hours and lowering the danger of deadly traffic accidents. Some, likeMr Bursík, have noted that 40 percent of deaths onCzech roadshappen on Friday or Sunday...But transport companies have questioned whether restrictions will have a positive effect: they have complained that year-round ban will negatively impact their businesses and stated that even if restrictions were to go ahead that the ground has not been properly set: new restrictions, implemented on 1 January 2009, for example, would require up to 80 percent more rest areas for heavy vehicles than there are currently in existence...
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