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Jul 9, 2008

FUEL COST SOLUTIONS * Australia - Truckers must pass on fuel increases

Sydney,NSW,Australia -Transport and Logistics News -8 July 2008: -- With the Federal Government’s emissions trading likely to further increase the price of diesel, the already struggling trucking industry should prepare a system to get through tougher times, the Australian Trucking Association (ATA) said... The draft report of the Garnaut Climate Change review proposed that the transport sector and fuel should be included in the emissions trading scheme... If the Federal Government adopts the report’s proposal, the price of diesel is likely to rise when the scheme sets off in 2010... ATA chairman Trevor Martyn said the draft report was a reminder of the need for a system to pass increases in the cost of fuel on to customers... Mr Martyn said that including the transport sector in the scheme was better than more regulation, and strategies such as reviewing costs every week and imposing a fuel surcharge would enable operators to get through the introduction of emissions trading...



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