Theft of License Plates * USA - Happening more frequently
Pay special attention to vehicles without front license plates, criminals often remove the plate to avoid detection when they steal gas...
St Cloud,MIN,USA -The St Cloud Times, by Kari Petrie -June 22, 2008: -- While gas siphoning from large trucks is a growing problem, area police say they haven't seen much siphoning from personal vehicles... St. Cloud officers have even reported people stealing license plates and putting them on their own vehicles. Then when they are reported for stealing gas, officers look up the license plate number and are led to the wrong person... An exact number of how many such cases have occurred isn't available, but St. Cloud Lt. James Mortenson said it's become more common... Gas stations have added camera systems and trained attendants to keep a closer watch on those filling up, Mortenson said... Solving such crimes is dependent on the information the attendants get. It can often be solved in an hour or two if workers have a license plate number, he said... He makes sure his attendants pay close attention to what's going on near the fuel pumps... They pay special attention to vehicles without front license plates, because they've noticed criminals often remove the plate to avoid detection when they steal gas... While people do make mistakes and sometimes simply forget to pay, others are blatant, tearing out of the parking lot after they are done pumping gas, Anderson said...
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