User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CLEAN TRUCKS PLAN * USA - Trucking group readies L.B. port suit

Jun 7, 2008

CLEAN TRUCKS PLAN * USA - Trucking group readies L.B. port suit

Torrance,CA,USA -The Daily Breeze, by Kristopher Hanson -5 June 2008: -- Four months after adopting what was widely assumed to be an industry-friendly plan to replace thousands of polluting diesel trucks in the harbor, the Port of Long Beach is facing a legal showdown with the nation's largest trucking association, according to documents and interviews... A representative of the Virginia-based American Trucking Association confirmed Thursday that lawsuits would be filed this month against port authorities in Long Beach, as well as Los Angeles... The ATA objects to regulation of its industry that would occur under Long Beach plans to issue concession permits to trucking companies before allowing them to haul goods to and from the ports... "There was a reason the federal government deregulated the trucking industry (in 1980), and it was to allow for a more free and open market," the ATA's Curtis Whalen argued. "The concessions violate that."... Port authorities said they're confident the program will hold up in court... Whalen stressed that the ATA would not seek to stop the rollout of new trucks. He also blasted the Port of Los Angeles for approving the employee-only concession plan... Port officials in L.A. also say their plan will hold up in court, and have assembled a team of attorneys in preparation... The L.A. plan is supported by most area environmental and labor groups, who see it as a viable long-term model for harbor trucking because it shifts the extensive costs of truck purchase and replacement to companies and not low-wage drivers...



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