User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Today's Truck * Australia - THIS is a paint job !!!!

May 23, 2008

Today's Truck * Australia - THIS is a paint job !!!!

Kenworth trucks down-under - How about this for a paint job?

Brisbane,Australia -BigLorryBlog (UK) -18 May 2008: -- ... Martin 'Keeper of the Flame' is back with us after his trucking travels down-under and has sent me this picture and this message: "Hello Brian, I thought you might like a photo of this rather garish KW van spotted in a Brisbane suburb a few weeks ago. It is a promotional vehicle for a company specializing in exotic paint finishes, fancy sign-writing and so forth. Sorry the picture isn't better but the KW was residing behind a fence when we saw it and the only way to grab a picture was by using the little digital camera rather than the ususal 35-mm beast."... Well as the saying goes Martin...we get the picture.



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