User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Privatization Bills * USA - Arizona committee resurrects and approved ones

Mar 1, 2008

Privatization Bills * USA - Arizona committee resurrects and approved ones

Phoenix,AZ,USA -Land Line Magazine, by David Tanner -February 29, 2008: -- An Arizona Senate committee switched gears this week and approved three bills to clear the way for tolling and public-private partnerships, including two bills that did not receive a passing vote the previous week... The three bills approved by the Senate committee on Feb. 19 were:
- SB1466, which would allow the state DOT to privatize rest areas

- SB1503, which would allow private construction of new lanes on existing freeways
- SB1471, which would allow ADOT to partner with private businesses to convert high-occupancy-vehicle lanes on Arizona 51 into toll lanes by November 2013.



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