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Mar 9, 2008

FUEL COSTS * USA - Truck Drivers Are Hitting Their Breaks

Many independent drivers say fuel prices hold the fate of their business.If they don't go down, they'll have to find a new profession all together

Macon,GA,USA -Today's MGT, by Coreen Savitski -7 March 2008: -- The economy's continuous downward slump is putting a heavy burden on industries who rely on fuel to operate, especially the trucking industry... Competition on the roads is getting so severe, that some truckers are calling it quits. The U.S. Department of Energy reports that diesel prices are on a constant rise, breaking records by the day... Jamie Williams hasn't been making regular trips, because he simply can't afford to... "No, there ain't as many either because everybody is having to go up on their prices, that's the way it goes," explains Williams...



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