Sydney,NSW,Australia -Transport and Logistics News -29 Jan 2008: -- A change in government legislation and a decade of intense work by the truck industry and regulators has resulted in safer, greener and more efficient trucks being granted approval to enter service on Australian roads with Performance Based Standards (PBS) finally becoming a reality for the transport industry... PBS enables efficiency gains to be made under the provision that trucks meet a total of 16 separate criteria related to speed, braking and safety standards... Until now all trucks have had to meet Prescribed Standards with strict weight and length restrictions, however PBS allows greater flexibility and efficiency gains without compromising safety or the convenience of other road users... According to John Bushell, the president of the Truck Industry Council (TIC), the peak industry body representing truck and component manufacturers, the concept of performance based standard vehicles has been hotly debated for the past 10 years and at times it appeared that such vehicles would never operate nationally...(Picture from BigLorryBlog: This one ex-Brambles heavy hauler)Labels: Performance Based Standards
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