User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: INFRASTRUCTURES * USA - Louisiana Roads Voted Nation's Worst for Second Year; Arkansas' Most Improved

Jan 18, 2008

INFRASTRUCTURES * USA - Louisiana Roads Voted Nation's Worst for Second Year; Arkansas' Most Improved

Tuscaloosa,Ala., USA -PRNewswire/ -17 Jan 2008: -- While campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee touts his road improvement efforts that moved Arkansas from the state with the worst roads to "the most improved road system in the country," he says, in the annual Highway Report Card survey conducted by Overdrive, the trucking industry's leading magazine for owner-operators... WORST ROADS 1. Louisiana 2. Pennsylvania 3. Oklahoma 4. California 5. Arkansas - BEST ROADS 1. Texas 2. Florida 3. Tennessee 4. Virginia 5. Ohio



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