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Jun 29, 2007

* UK - Management the key to fuel cost savings

Philippa Jones joins delegates at the IEA conference and discover that simple management techniques can save hauliers significant fuel costs

Paris,France -Road Transport (UK)/Commercial Motor, by Philippa Jones -29 June 2007: -- Simple cost-effective actions can help road hauliers run more efficient businesses, reduce their fuel bills and improve their environmental credentials, experts have told an international conference on fuel efficiency in Paris... Fuel accounts for at least 30% of operating costs in most road transport operations, but few, if any, haulage companies are really maximising the potential to be more fuel efficient, according to Jonathan James, a consultant with Faber Maunsell...
* Drivers staying in top gear for 87% of a journey and using cruise control for 89% of it would use 21% less fuel than a driver who was in top gear for 71% and in cruise control for 25% of the same route and in the same vehicle - UK government's Freight Best Practice programme.
Properly aligning a truck's chassis with its trailer wheels saves 4-18% in fuel - Lancaster-based Kidds Transport.
Monitoring journeys in real-time and changing journey plans to suit new circumstances saves money - United Biscuits saved £107,000 a year by using a real time tracker...



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