Hidden problems * USA - Trucks can spell disaster

Escondido,CA,USA -The North County Times, by David Nissenberg (San Diego-based attorney) -14 May 2007: -- In late December 2006, a trailer hitch weighing five to six pounds escaped from a truck, bounced up and down on one of San Diego's freeways and smashed into the windshield of a sport utility vehicle, tragically killing its 32-year-old driver. Trailer hitches secure a towed vehicle such as a trailer to a truck and, if properly utilized, will not detach... Members of the driving public have to rely on trucking companies to properly instruct their personnel on safe driving and safe load securement so that unwanted items from a truck or tractor-trailer do not end up flying through the air or lying in wait for some unsuspecting driver to collide with. Reliance, however, can only go so far. Cautious driving and aggressive law enforcement are also needed to cut down on these hidden problems with trucks...
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