* USA - The Clean-Truck Paradox
Arlington,VA,USA -TTNews -20 Feb 2007: -- For anyone who operates a commercial truck, there is little doubt about the importance of the vehicle’s fuel efficiency — especially in this era of historically high diesel and gasoline prices... If only the federal clean-air agency would keep that in mind when it prepares emission-controlling regulations... The technology has extracted a price, which must be paid by the truck buyer and operator. Not only is the new equipment more expensive, it is less fuel-efficient than the industry’s high marks... Truckers used to buy vehicles that got 10 miles per gallon. Today, with the addition of the clean-air technology, the average is more like 6 mpg, according to ATA officials... Perhaps this is the classic “two steps forward, one step back” syndrome. But does it have to be this way? ATA wants regulators to consider that question the next time they draw up emission-reduction targets...
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