User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKS * UK - Toyota’s trusty little Dyna

Feb 14, 2007

TRUCKS * UK - Toyota’s trusty little Dyna

UK -Biglorryblog -14 Feb 2007: -- Toyota’s trusty little Dyna (available at 3.00 and 3.5-tonnes) now has a new Euro-4 3.0-litre lump that pushes out 108hp and 286Nm of torque... It was in this truck that I suffered the embarrassment of adding a layer of gravel to the MIRA test track... The test truck was fitted with a tipper body and had been loaded up to gross weight with pea gravel. Being a bit wet behind the ears it looked pretty secure to me—not least as there’d been a heavy frost the night before and the gravel seemed to be well stuck together. Thus armed with the dangerous optimism of the blissfully ignorant I went ahead and did a 40mph full-pressure brake stop...



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