User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Storm * USA - Put big squeeze on trucking

Feb 23, 2007

Storm * USA - Put big squeeze on trucking

Harrisburg,PA,USA -The Patriot-News, by SHARON SMITH -Feb 21, 2007: -- Trucks are moving, people are back at work and commerce is flowing... That wasn't the case last week when a winter storm crippled Pennsylvania, bringing traffic on many of the state's highways to a standstill. The cost of the storm on the state economy has not been determined, according to Gov. Ed Rendell's office... While the numbers are still being crunched, one thing is certain: The storm produced winners and losers... Jim Runk, president and CEO of the Camp Hill-based Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association, couldn't put a price tag on what the storm cost the state's trucking industry. He said it most likely is in the millions of dollars...



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