Evansville,IN,USA -The Evansville Courier & Press (subscription), by GARRET MATHEWS -Feb 18, 2007: --Friedman Senning is retiring tomorrow after more than 58 years of driving trucks for a living. No more getting up at 2:30 a.m. No more putting his grandchildren on hold... "I figured I might as well end it on my 76th birthday," the Evansville man says. "I've got close to 5 million miles. That's enough"...He's looking at property in Florida. And then there are his eight grandchildren... "It's getting harder and harder for me to roll the tarp back over my load. That's one thing. I've never turned a truck over. Never put a dent on somebody else's vehicle. Never been laid off. Never got more than about five speeding tickets. It's been a good run"...Senning started out hauling grain in 1948 around his native Washington, Ind...Senning's first grain truck -a used Chevrolet - set him back $1,800. The 1998 Peterbilt that he'll fire up today for the last time cost $120,000. Add another $32,000 for the trailer..."I'm usually home by 2 p.m. I don't run nearly as hard as some of the men"... Has he ever taken pills to stay awake? "Maybe six bennies in my whole life. I never got into the amphetamines, but there is definitely a lot of dope in trucking. At some of the scale houses, they have drug-sniffing dogs"...Any regrets?..."Over the years, I've probably put out a dozen fires along the side of the road. Maybe a family car. Maybe another truck. Just get out the fire extinguisher and start spraying... "I don't think I ever saved a life or anything, but I sure took care of the blaze. And nobody ever said thank you. Just took off"... COMMENT: Posted by fortbranchin on February 18, 2007:Being a truck driver myself and knowing the love hate relationship with being a trucker i say to Friedman Senning thank you for a job well done...(Photo: Friedman Senningis retiring today after spending 58 years on the road)
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