TechnoNews * USA - Battelle has high expectations for refining hydrogen fuel cell
Columbus,Ohio,USA -The Columbus Dispatch, by Mike Lafferty -Dec 16, 2006: --Battellehopes its portable hydrogen fuel cell will someday help the military win battles. But when it came time to show off the technology in the lab this week, the research giant proved that it could, at least, run a bunch of computers and a 6-foot-tall, light-laden, fake fir. That achievement might earn a smirk, but it’s no small advance for a technology that, in the next couple of decades, could power homes and cars...Battellescientists introduced their take on the technology in February 2005 and recently announced they have boosted the original fuel cell’s efficiency...PatrickR. Valente, deputy director of the state’s technology division, said an obvious target is equipping the tens of thousands of over-the-road trucks with fuel cells to power refrigerators, heaters and other appliances in the cabs...That way, truckers would not have to keep their engines running at rest stops, he said...(Photo: Charles E. Lucius, vice president of fuel-cell development at Battelle, shows how his 700-pound Multi-Purpose Fuel Cell Power System can light four computer monitors and a Christmas tree)
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