Infra? Structure * USA - Alaska's The Kamikaze Trail
Dowagiac,MI, USA -The Dowagiac Daily News -Dec 21, 2006: --The other night on TV there was a program onAlaska's Dalton Highway...Running 400 miles between Fairbanks and Prudhoe Bay, it was built back in the early 1970s to supply the oil fields up on the Arctic Ocean.We quickly found calling it a highway was twisted humor.It's narrow, sometimes winding and the crushed concrete surface is hideously wash boarded and pot holed.They say don't even try it without at least three spare tires, extra gas and to expect a shattered windshield...Once the road was completed work started on the Alaska pipeline, which would parallel it. During pipeline construction 20,000 trucks a year plied the haul road, making it the busiest highway in North America.With its steep grades, sharp curves, white out blizzards and 200 avalanches per year the truckers called it the Kamikaze Trail. In the first two years there were 500 accidents.Over 400 people have died in accidents on the Kamikaze Trail...
I saw the special on Nat Geo but don't remember the song and would like a copy of it to enjoy. Reply to: thanks
Hi Jack
Really we don't know. If anybody can help to Jack, pls do it directly to the above mail, or through us.
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