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Aug 31, 2006

Strike - India - Truckers Plan All-country Stir

Namakkal,India -Report: News Network (UK) - 29 Aug 2006: -- It's not just the UK haulage industry that are suffering thanks to the increasing price of fuel. Hauliers in India are facing similar problems... Reacting sharply to hike in price of petrol and diesel the Lorry Owners Association of Tamil Nadu and Namakkal Taluk Lorry Owners Association have announced that they were considering an all India Strike... Talking to the website's newspaper, K Nallthambi, secretary, Namakkal Truck Owners Association, said that talks were on with state-level and national-level federations of truck owners' associations about highlighting the adverse impact of the price hike of fuel on the truck industry and the economy as a whole...


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