User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Prototype - USA - Freightliner introduces hybrid utility truck

Aug 26, 2006

Prototype - USA - Freightliner introduces hybrid utility truck

DALLAS, TX,USA -Truck News, by Adam Ledlow -25 Aug 2006: -- Freightliner president and CEO Chris Patterson recently introduced a proof-of-concept prototype utility truck and discussed the company's plans to bring medium-duty hybrid vehicles to the market at the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas, Texas... The Class 7 Business Class M2 106 prototype is a full-parallel hybrid, similar to hybrid electric cars, with regenerative braking designed to recharge the batteries and electric launch functionality... It has an integrated electric motor in line with the engine and transmission, enabling operation with electric or diesel power, either separately or in combination...


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