Solutions - Australia - Trucking regulation needs to get smart
Melbourne,Victoria,Australia -The Age, by Philip Hopkins -July 20, 2006: --Cutting red tape to allow more efficient trucks on the road will boost productivity and help solve the growing freight task, according to the National Transport Commission...NTCacting chief executive Phil Giltinan said truck productivity reform was crucial to dealing with the expected doubling of freight by 2020...Despite expected improvements in rail, only trucks could transport freight to and from warehouses, retail outlets, construction sites and homes, he said. Road transport would raise its market share by 6 per cent to 42 per cent by the same date...New SMART trucks (Safer Management of Road Transport) were already more productive. These included B-triples, quad-axle groups, high productivity rigid trucks and the Trackaxle steerable axle, Mr Giltinan said... that, under performance-based standards, the vehicle's overall performance — such as rollover risk, the ability to turn safely and road wear qualities — determined whether it was allowed on the road...(Photo: Paul Rovere - SMART trucks struggle to get a run.)
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