User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Possibilities - USA - Guard low on relief trucks

Jul 19, 2006

Possibilities - USA - Guard low on relief trucks

With equipment shortages, the Florida National Guard is scurrying to stay prepared to handle multiple storms at the same time during the hurricane season
Miami,FL,USA -The Miami Herald, by PHIL LONG -Jul. 17, 2006: -- In the second month of hurricane season, the Florida National Guard is still short of trucks, trailers and other equipment that soldiers use in the immediate aftermath of violent storms... With at least 400 of its trucks, Humvees and other vehicles left behind in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Guard's rolling stock is at its lowest level in years, Guard leaders say... National Guards in general have never been fully equipped, Sutphin said. Before Sept. 11, the Florida National Guard routinely carried only 75 percent of the rolling stock and other equipment authorized by the Army. Today, that's down to 37 percent or just about half the amount of equipment the Guard normally has...
(Photo: AP FILE, 1996 - RUNNING LOW: At least 400 of the Florida National Guard's trucks are in service overseas, leaving equipment levels for storm relief 'close to the line,' according to a top officer)


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