User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: New state law - USA - Bans billboard trucks

Jul 10, 2006

New state law - USA - Bans billboard trucks

"... display are visual pollution ..."

Honolulu,HI,USA -Pacific Business News (Honolulu) -July 7, 2006: -- Billboard trucks that display paid advertising on their sides are now banned in Hawaii... Gov. Linda Lingle signed legislation that prohibits billboard trucks from operating in the state and also from being parked on public roadways or on private property that can be easily seen. Trailers are also banned... Hawaii has some of the most aggressive outdoor sign laws in the nation and was one of the first states to ban most kinds of billboards and outdoor advertising... "Billboard trucks are the latest effort by the advertising industry to make an end run around Hawaii's billboard law," said Mary Steiner CEO of The Outdoor Circle. "The ads they display are visual pollution that helps to destroy the scenic beauty of Hawai'i"...


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