User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Generation X - USA - Has let truck driving pass by

Jul 26, 2006

Generation X - USA - Has let truck driving pass by

Busy fleets seek ways to stem driver shortage

Houston,TX,USA -The Houston Chronicle/Reuters, by NICK CAREY -July 24, 2006: -- U.S. trucking companies have been enjoying a boom period, but executives say it's never been harder to find people to do the driving... In fact, the driver shortage has become so serious that some experts are proposing moves like raising pay 30 percent or inviting workers from Mexico to do the job... The problem for the trucking business is that young Americans are more focused on quality of life, executives say. Many people would rather work for less money than sit behind the wheel of a tractor-trailer on journeys that can keep them out for days on end...


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