User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Survival Guide - USA - Be cautious of trucks when driving

May 29, 2006

Survival Guide - USA - Be cautious of trucks when driving

BLOOMINGTON,IL, USA -Bloomington Pantagraph, by Bob Holliday -May 28, 2006: -- Common sense tells you not to get in the way of 80,000 pounds traveling 65 mph... Unfortunately, car drivers don't always drive defensively around semitrailer trucks. The results can be tragic... George Billows, executive director of the Illinois Trucking Association, believes he can help... Billows has three main suggestions on sharing the road with semis: 1- When passing a semi, pass on the left. It's the law, and the blind spot on the semi's right side is much larger. 2- When passing, get at least three or four car lengths in front of the semi before moving into the semi's lane... 3- Give semis plenty of room to the rear as well...


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