User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: New Versions of Trucks - Sweden - Volvo's Renault Trucks launches

May 10, 2006

New Versions of Trucks - Sweden - Volvo's Renault Trucks launches

Stockholm,Sweden -Forbes/AFX (USA) -9 May 2006: -- AB Volvo said its unit Renault Trucks has launched new versions of the Renault Midlum and Renault Premium Distribution truck range targeted for the distribution market... Volvo said the new generation of engines for the trucks is lighter and more compact and meets the Euro 4 emissions standards, with certain of the models also prepared for the Euro 5 standard, which becomes effective in 2009. Among other features, the new vehicles are equipped with a totally new cab, new chassis and new driveline...


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