User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Jobs - USA - FedEx delivers, promise of a boom

May 6, 2006

Jobs - USA - FedEx delivers, promise of a boom

$214 million expansion will steer tons of cargo through Indianapolis airport

Indianapolis,IND,USA -Indianapolis Star, by Ted Evanoff -May 5, 2006: -- Freight carrier FedEx boosted Indianapolis' logistics industry Thursday, announcing an expansion that will bring in much-needed blue-collar jobs in 2008 and affirm the city as a key point on overseas cargo routes... The $214 million expansion will steer tons of cargo from overseas through Indianapolis International Airport, officials said, accelerating the region's economic goal of luring firms that need quick delivery to foreign cities... Hundreds of needy college students and former industrial workers are expected to apply for the 800 new FedEx jobs in a warehouselike facility that would gear up for four to five hours every night to shift cargo among airliners and trucks...


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