User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: GreenNews - USA - Trucking industry says ethanol has been good for business

May 2, 2006

GreenNews - USA - Trucking industry says ethanol has been good for business

Steamaboat Roch,IA,USA -WHO-TV/AP -1 May 2006: -- Des Moines,Iowa Regional trucking firms say Iowa's ethanol industry is fueling good business... According the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, Iowa's 21 plants produces over one (b) billion gallons of fuel, making it the nation's largest producer. That will grow by at least 600 (m) million gallons by the end of the year... At Pine Lake Corn Processors near Steamboat Rock in eastern Iowa, close to 70 semis and tankers bring around 50-thousand bushels of corn a day. In turn, they haul away 70-thousand gallons of ethanol and 178 tons of distillers grain...


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