User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Anti-HOS - USA - Movement gains momentum

Mar 5, 2006

Anti-HOS - USA - Movement gains momentum

More groups file challenges
WASHINGTON,DC,USA -Today's Trucking -28 Feb 2006: -- As they promised, various trucking and public interest groups have filed separate court challenges in opposition to the latest U.S. hours-of-service rules... Despite some ideological differences, several interests are united in asking the United States Court of Appeals to once again review the Federal Motor carrier Administration's HOS regime... The Owner-Operator and Independent Drivers Association, which filed its court challenge earlier this year, is now joined by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the Truckload Carrier's Association, as well as the Ohio and California Trucking Associations, which have also filed "motions to intervene" in the petition for review... The current regulations are set up in a way that if a trucker chooses to split up the required 10 hours of off-duty time, one of the two periods must be at least eight hours. That eight-hour rest period stops the 14-hour maximum on-duty clock. The other two off-duty hours can be taken at another time -- either in the sleeper or out -- to fulfill the 10-hour off-duty requirement, but they do not stop the 14-hour clock...


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