User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Discrimination ? - USA - Female driver claims huge gender barrier remains in industry

Feb 27, 2006

Discrimination ? - USA - Female driver claims huge gender barrier remains in industry

Manitoba, Canada -The Brandon Sun, by Matt Goerzen -Feb 25, 2006: -- A newly licensed long-haul driver says it’s extremely difficult to land a job with a trucking company in Westman, and it’s not just because firms look for people with at least two to three years experience behind the wheel of a big rig... “I was told 80 per cent of the reason is because I’m a female,” said Brandon resident and long-haul hopeful Sherri Green, who has been sending resumes to trucking companies all over Westman and Winnipeg since August to try to find a job... While she has a job lined up in Winnipeg that could start next month, she said the last six months have been a nightmare...


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