User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Controls - USA - EPA Proposes Changes to Fuel-Economy Tests

Jan 12, 2006

Controls - USA - EPA Proposes Changes to Fuel-Economy Tests

USA -The Car Connection -11 Jan 2006: -- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said it would try to change the way new light-duty cars and trucks are tested for fuel economy, to better reflect the real-world mileage drivers experience... The agency estimates that changes would drop the fuel economy printed on most vehicle sticker prices to drop by 10 to 20 percent, as the current EPA tests do not accurately reflect the speed and conditions experienced by drivers and their vehicles... Speed limits, for example, that were set at 55 mph when the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) rules were written in the 1970s, are now 75 mph in some states... The agency says hybrids could suffer even more drastic drops than conventional vehicles because of how the cars are optimized for gas-electric driving. The new rules could go into effect for the 2008 model year...


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