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Jan 9, 2006

Biodiesel - USA - Fuel could replace sulfur as lubricant

EPA rule may boost biodiesel
Fort Wayne, Ind,USA -The Journal Gazette, by Jenni Glenn -Jan. 08, 2006: -- Much of the biodiesel fuel made from soybean crops powers farm vehicles, school buses and municipal vehicles. But federal rules scheduled to take effect this fall could make the fuel more attractive to commercial trucking fleets, proponents of the alternative fuel say... The Environmental Protection Agency is requiring fuel refineries to lower the amount of air-polluting sulfur in diesel fuel by Oct. 15... Soybean prices will rise as demand for the fuel increases, and communities will need to build more biodiesel plants to meet that demand. American Ag Fuels already is investing $4million to $5million to expand its Defiance plant... (Photo: Dean Stangland of AGPlus pumps biodiesel fuel into a tanker truck at the Energy Plus 24 gas station)


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