Fort Worth,TX,USA -Fort Worth Star Telegram, by Liz Stevens -11 Dec 2005: -- Early this year, Carl's Corner became the center of the current hubbub surrounding biodiesel, an alternative vehicle fuel that can be made from vegetable oil, seed oil or animal fat, and can run diesel-powered vehicles... Biodiesel's champions, which include farmers and environmentalists, tout the fuel's benefits at every opportunity:Biodiesel is a renewable resource, homegrown in the United States and relatively clean-burning -- everything its crude-oil counterpart is not, and part of the solution to America's reliance on foreign energy, they say...(AP photos: Myron Danzer, acting general manager of the SoyMor biodiesel plant in Minnesota, holds a beaker of the plant's product. SoyMor is one of three biodiesel plants in Minnesota poised to trigger a state mandate that will require diesel fuel sold in the state to be blended with 2 percent biodiesel.)
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