User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Good News - USA - There's lots of life left in General Motors.

Nov 5, 2005

Good News - USA - There's lots of life left in General Motors.

The word from GM: It's not all bad news - Commentary: Pipeline for 2007-2008 looks promising

USA - MarketWatch, by Ron Amadon -Nov. 5, 2005: -- To be sure, the months ahead -- perhaps even years -- will be tough ones for U.S. automakers given their problems with pensions, employee pay, overcapacity, parts suppliers' misfortunes, Asian competition, etc, etc... However, we've had a chance to gaze into the future, GM model wise, and can safely say they have some neat stuff coming for '07 and '08... Some may argue that with the price of gas these days such vehicles don't make much sense, but remember there are those among us who must haul trailers full of boats and horses (hopefully, not at the same time) and such, and who can afford the gas to boot. We liked the new models, which are clearly an improvement over the current crop of offerings in GM showrooms... In short, it appears that while GM undoubtedly has some vitally important bottom-line issues to be resolved, the automaker's committed to moving all ahead full on the new-products side...


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