User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Cut - USA - Goodyear expects union cooperation in '06 talks

Nov 3, 2005

Cut - USA - Goodyear expects union cooperation in '06 talks

Profitable tire maker considers closing plants; Steelworkers will decide on fighting changes
CLEVELAND,OH,USA -The Detroit News (Mich)/Associated Press, by M.R. Kropko -Nov 3, 2005: -- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.'s executives said in an investors' meeting in New York on Sept. 23 they are considering closing an undisclosed number of plants and saving up to $1 billion over the next three years. Goodyear did not say how many jobs would be cut, how many plants would be closed or identify the locations... But the company expected the union, which has seen the American steel industry shrink from several powerhouses to a handful of companies that are part of global firms, to go along with the reductions...


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