User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Controls - USA - Authorities check trucks

Aug 25, 2005

Controls - USA - Authorities check trucks

Sweep targets hazmat safety, emissions
Long Beach,CA,USA -Long Beach Press-Telegram, by Tracy Manzer -Aug 23, 2005: -- Truckers by the dozens were flagged down by local, state and federal authorities throughout the Port of Long Beach on Tuesday in an effort to cut down on hazardous materials threats... Commercial Enforcement officers with the Long Beach Police Department and Brea Police Department joined U.S. Coast Guard inspectors and California Highway Patrol officers for the daylong sweep, which saw big rigs bearing placards for hazardous materials checked, air quality emissions for all trucks tested and trailers searched for explosive materials by a bomb-sniffing Labrador named Dusty...


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