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Jul 25, 2005

JOBS III - USA - Trucking industry plagued by shortage

Long-haul trucking seeks anyone with a driving ambition
Biloxi,MS,USA -The Sun Herald, by EBA HAMIDSUN HERALD -Jul. 24, 2005: -- About 1.3 million of the nationwide 3.4 million drivers are long-haul truckers. According to a recent study the driver shortage is expected to increase to 111,000 by 2014... But the need for new drivers is increasing at a faster rate. With one-fifth of all truck drivers age 55 and older, 219,000 drivers must be found to replace those who will retire, and others who leave the industry. An additional 2.2 percent average annual increase will occur with economic growth, calling for an additional 320,000 jobs in the next 10 years... To attract more drivers, Kennedy said some companies are offering $40,000 to $60,000 after the first 12 months. A high turnover rate, however, allows for only a small percentage of drivers to ever reach $60,000 because most drivers do not stay in the industry long enough...


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