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May 24, 2005

ECOLOGY - USA - Hybrid-Happy?

San Francisco,CA,USA -AlterNet/Christian Science Monitor,by Mark Clayton -May 19 2005: -- America's surprising enthusiasm for hybrid cars has a hidden, but very real, benefit: it could decrease our dependence on foreign oil... For proponents of energy independence in the United States, the current level of dependency is worrisome. Last year, 56 percent of the nation's oil -- some 11 million barrels a day -- came from abroad. That's far more than the one-third share imported during the first oil crisis of the 1970s. And it's halfway to the two-thirds share projected for 2025, if nothing changes... To reduce that dependence will require a massive modernization of America's transportation fleet, especially more efficient passenger cars and light trucks. So are hybrids up to the task?


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