User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: USA - NORFOLK Southern hopes to cash in on boom

Dec 13, 2004

USA - NORFOLK Southern hopes to cash in on boom

"Trucks are our largest intermodal customers"
Roanoke,VA,USA - Roanoke Times - By Lois Caliri - December 09, 2004 - ..... new president of Norfolk Southern Corp., Charles "Wick" Moorman said, "NS wants to move a lot of that cargo to Eastern ports". Virginia has no trust fund allocation for rail, .....The majority of the funds, 78.7 percent, goes to highways; 14.7 percent to transit; 4.2 percent to the Virginia Port Authority; and 2.4 percent to airports. The report also stated its goals.....


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