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Mar 22, 2016

MINIMUM FREIGHT RATES * Australia: Debates

* Victoria - Trucking hearing to decide on delay 

-- Trucking groups hope to put all their cards on the table at a hearing before the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal over the weekend, including threatening stop-work action... They hope the tribunal will choose to delay the minimum pay order until next year... The tribunal will hold a mention hearing on Thursday in Melbourne to go over submissions and work out how many days are needed to hear stakeholders over the Easter weekend... It comes less than two weeks before the minimum pay order is due to come in, a move that Trans-Help Foundation CEO, Dianne Carroll, said would hurt tens of thousands of owner-drivers in the long-haul trucking sector... The order has been years in the making, an effort from the former Labor government to make sure owner-drivers were paid a living wage... But they say only forcing owner-drivers to use the tribunal’s cost calculator and leaving out fleets means they will be undercut immediately and lose current and future clients... 
Melbourne, VIC, Australia - The Courier - 21 March 2016



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